PreK-6 Principal
Phone: (585) 765-3122
A Message from the Principal

Dr. Elissa Smith
Our school is guided by a core set of beliefs:
We put student needs first to ensure that all learn and succeed.
Communication should be timely, transparent and reciprocal.
We treat each other respectfully and consider all perspectives.
Collaboration among school, community and families is essential for student success.
We commit to creativity, innovation and continuous improvement.
District resources are utilized efficiently.
Effective curriculum and instruction must be rigorous, engaging, purposeful and differentiated.
We model integrity and ethical behavior.
Learning and growth require a safe, caring environment emphasizing social and emotional well-being.
We are accountable for our actions.
As the Elementary Principal, I am honored to be the instructional leader of an eager group of Pre-K through Sixth grade students and a dedicated staff of educators. I am proud of our expanded PreK, which provides full day grant-supported educational opportunities for students as young as 2 years old (turning 3 by 12/1).
Please feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions or concerns. Together we can make a difference in the lives of our children as we prepare them for the future.
Dr. Elissa G. Smith,
Elementary Principal