A Message From the Superintendent

2022-2023 School Year

As you are aware, we have seen the expected rise in COVID cases on campus. Fortunately, most have recovered quickly. We will continue to take a practical approach to keep our students, staff and faculty safe and well. However, we need your assistance.

If your child is feeling sick, please keep them home. The CDC is recommending testing early, but especially on days 5 and 6 if symptoms persist. COVID tests are available at school, and you are welcome to pick them up as needed. If your child tests positive, please contact our nurse, Mrs. Mary Kurz, RN at 585-765-3124 and keep them home for at least 5 days. If symptoms are gone, your child may return on day 6, but they should wear a well-fitted mask through day 10.

I appreciate our community’s support as we transition into a new, positive mindset in addressing COVID, as well as other health issues. Flu and cold season are just around the corner. Wash your hands, and when your child is sick, keep them home until they feel better and are free of fever and/or vomiting for 24 hours. These practices are what we have always done, and we must continue to do to keep our children and district healthy.


Sharon Smith