Earlier this year, Lyndonville Elementary School implemented the Tiger Time Sport Sampling Program, which provides students with the opportunity to try many physical activities at no cost to families. This program is made possible by the support of grants from New York State Youth Sports Education Funding and Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Funds, which provides opportunities for all children to be active through sports. Additional supplies were donated from Good Sports, an organization that drives equitable access in youth sports and physical activity.
Sports activities that students have completed so far included Golf Camp (2nd-6th grade), Flag Football Camp (2nd-6th grade), Archery Club (4th-6th grade), Wiffle Ball Club (2nd-3rd grade), Basketball Club (2nd-3rd grade), Youth Wrestling (1st-6th grade) and Games Galore Club (various ages). Upcoming activities include Indoor Soccer Club, Volleyball Club, Dance Club and Fishing Club. Approximately 125 students have participated in the various activities to date, with many more signed up for future sessions. All Tiger Times participants receive t-shirts at no cost.
Information is sent home to families as new activities are announced. Due to the high volume of interested students, additional sessions are added and/or drawings conducted to select participants. The goal of the program is for all students to participate in at least one Tiger Time athletic opportunity this year.
While the programs are run by Lyndonville Central School District faculty and staff members, Tiger Time also offers high school athletes the opportunity to connect to younger students as mentors and role models. Interested high school athletes should reach out to Dr. Elissa Smith, Elementary Principal, or Mr. Jimmy Zeliff, Athletic Director, to inquire about additional opportunities.