COVID Update

May 12, 2021

Dear Parents and Families,

Yesterday we were notified that two students tested positive for COVID-19.   We will continue to communicate with the Orleans County Health Department, as we have with all positive cases.    

The Health Department  has  determined that these cases  have resulted in the quarantine of a few of our students  and one staff member.  Per privacy guidelines, no addition personally identifiable information can be shared about these individuals.

We will continue to support the Health Department by providing any required information for their process and will adhere to their directives.

We are committed to providing our students and staff with a safe and healthy environment. Our building will continue to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. I continue to be proud of our staff and students for adhering to the safety protocols we have in place.  Our cleaning, social distancing, barriers and face covering are effective in preventing the spread of the virus on our campus.  I ask that you please continue to wear face masks, maintain social distancing and wash your hands frequently. 

I will continue to inform you of any positive cases as we are notified.  School will continue as scheduled.

If anyone in your immediate family is awaiting a COVID-19 test result, then please keep your child home until you receive a negative COVID-19 test result.

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing cooperation with our COVID-19 prevention policies and procedures as we work to help protect our students, staff and families.  As always, if you have questions, I can be contacted directly at:


phone:             765-3101


Jason A. Smith