
October 21, 2021

Dear Lyndonville Families and Community,

I hope this message finds you and your families healthy and safe.   While school continues to be in session as normal, we have seen an increase in our COVID cases and related quarantines the past couple weeks.  Although we have ceased sending out real time notifications, our COVID website will now include weekly totals of positive cases, and you may access that link right here:  COVID webpage  This page will be updated each Monday to include the newest case totals.  Also, that page has been streamlined for ease of use and less clutter, so please be sure to check it out.

I would like to recognize the dedicated members of our Board of Education, as we celebrate Board of Education Appreciation Week.  The members of our Board are dedicated community servants who volunteer their time and energy to advance the mission and vision of our District.  Please join me in thanking President Ted Lewis, Vice-President Sue Hrovat, Harold Suhr, Steve Vann, Vern Fonda, Kristin Nicholson, and Jerod Thurber.    Please also see this press release:  School Board Appreciation

At last week’s Board of Education meeting, Director of Instruction Sharon Smith, and teachers Julia Robinson and Joanne Suhr provided our Board with a thorough update on a variety of initiatives to improve the overall academic performance of our students.  The full presentation may be found here: Academic Presentation.   Some of the topics addressed were our literacy and math programs, support and intervention programs, graduation data, and staff development programs.

With Halloween just around the corner, the Lyndonville Lions Club will be hosting a special program for our students.  In the next week or so, flyers will be sent home with elementary students, so please be on the lookout for those.  We continue be grateful to the Lions Club for their ongoing support and partnership with our school.

With November just around the corner, I would like to alert to you some unique days for your planning purposes.

                Friday, November 5:                       Early release at 11:00 for all students

                Thursday, November 11:               Veteran’s Day (no school)

                Friday, November 19:                     Superintendents Conference Day (no school)

Of course, Thanksgiving recess begins on Wednesday, November 24th, and then school will resume on Monday, November 29.

Our principals will also be sharing more detailed information about Parent Conferences and Open House programs.

Finally, our Health Department is seeking to partner with us to offer vaccine clinics for students, when and if the COVID-19 vaccine is approved for children ages 5-12.  When that occurs, I intend to send out a survey to gauge need and interest, so please be on the lookout for that.

In the meantime, have a great rest of October, stay healthy and safe, and Go Bills! (or insert the name of your favorite football team here 😊 )

Thank you.

Jason A. Smith, Superintendent of Schools

Phone:                 585-765-3101

E-mail                    Jasmith@lcsdk12.org