February 28, 2019


Dear Parents and Guardians,


You have likely seen a number of stories in your news and social feeds about the dangers of something called The Momo Challenge. This challenge surfaced last year, making its way into the popular “Minecraft” video game, and now has spread to various social media platforms such as Facebook and Youtube.  It usually accompanies an image of a grotesque bird-head with warnings about children being encouraged to harm themselves or others.

As we take steps to protect our learners in school with content filtering and other forms of internet safety protocols, we are writing to provide you information that can help protect your children at home from the disturbing images and messages that the Momo Challenge presents. 

The following links provide advice and helpful steps that parents can take to protect their children.  We hope you find these useful as we work together to keep our learners safe.

Warning: Some of these links contain images from the Momo Challenge character.

National Online Safety Guide for the Momo Challenge


Smart Social - Momo Challenge Safety Guide Video


NBC TODAY Broadcast from 2/28/19

If at any time your child mentions the Momo Challenge, or more importantly, if they have accessed content online connected with the challenge, we encourage you to contact our school where we can arrange for our guidance counselors to speak to your child about what they have seen. 

Thank you for joining with us in our continual efforts to keep our student safe.



 Jason Smith

Superintendent of Schools