The Varsity Boys' Basketball team played against Elba last night. Lyndonville lost, 45-67, but it was a hard-fought game, with a lot of good effort put forth by our boys!
24 days ago, Lyndonville Schools
boys playing basketball in gym
boys playing basketball in gym
boys playing basketball in gym
boys playing basketball in gym
boys playing basketball in gym
boys playing basketball in gym
boys playing basketball in gym
boys playing basketball in gym
Good luck to the Girls' Basketball teams as they compete tonight at Attica!
24 days ago, Lyndonville Schools
girls' basketball flyer
The Advocacy Toolbox Workshop is held on 2/13, 20 & 27 from 4-6 pm at the HOAG Library. Register for the workshop by contacting April Fearby at 585-815-8501, ext. 401 or email at - space is limited & open to residents of Genesee & Orleans Counties.
25 days ago, Lyndonville Schools
advocacy toolbox workshop flyer in english
advocacy toolbox workshop flyer in  spanish
You're invited to Hank's Graduation at the Lyndonville BOE Meeting on Jan. 14 at 7 p.m.!
25 days ago, Lyndonville Schools
hank birthday invitation
Students having fun playing in the sensory bin last week.
25 days ago, Lyndonville Schools
students playing in the sensory bin
Good luck to the Boys' Basketball teams as they compete tonight at home against Elba!
25 days ago, Lyndonville Schools
boys' basketball game flyer
Yesterday our 4H Club members worked hard on their annual service project - making Valentine's cards for local Veterans.
28 days ago, Lyndonville CSD
Congratulations to our Wrestlers for bringing home a victory tonight!
29 days ago, Lyndonville CSD
wrestling win
Join the Lyndonville girls basketball team TONIGHT for their league game! It's taking place HERE at the Jr/Sr High School from 5:30-7 p.m. Hope to see you there!
30 days ago, Lyndonville Schools
lyndonville girls basketball jan. 8 league game at lyndonville at 5:30 p.m.
Check out the Arc GLOW Outreach January News about Scholarship, Survey, Supported Decision Making, and Self-Direction! Read more on the photos or at the link below:
30 days ago, Lyndonville Schools
Visit link in post for all info on this photo.
Visit link in post for all info on this photo.
Brad Hoffee’s PE class learns how to stretch and improve their fitness through yoga. They are practicing warrior pose in this photo.
about 1 month ago, Lyndonville Schools
students performing yoga in gym with teacher
Good luck to the Boys' Basketball teams as they compete tonight at home against Kendall!
about 1 month ago, Lyndonville Schools
boys' basketball flyer
Our Varsity Wrestlers participated in the 2025 Perry Tournament this past weekend, and we had four place finishers: Justin H. finished 4th, Chance A. finished 3rd, Shannon W. finished 2nd and Ty H. finished 1st. Ty also had his 100th win. Congratulations to all!
about 1 month ago, Lyndonville Schools
wrestling tournament graphic
Shannon W.. is the Genesee Region Wrestler of the Week for 12/23-27. Congratulations, Shannon!
about 1 month ago, Lyndonville Schools
wrestler of the week flyer
Good luck to the Boys' Basketball teams as they compete today & tomorrow at the LaFargeville tournament!
about 1 month ago, Lyndonville Schools
boys' basketball game flyer
Good luck to the Girls' Basketball teams as they compete tonight at Elba!
about 1 month ago, Lyndonville Schools
girls basketball game flyer
Good luck to the Wrestling team as they compete tomorrow in the Perry Tournament!
about 1 month ago, Lyndonville Schools
wrestling tournament flyer
During Snowcoming, teachers participated in musical chairs. Madison Pratt was the winner! Students also played video games or ping pong, and participated in a Santa costume relay. It was a busy day!
about 2 months ago, Lyndonville Schools
teachers playing musical chairs in gym
students participating in santa costume relay
students playing pingpong
students playing video games
girl in elf costume
musical chair teacher winner
student in santa costume
students working on crafts at table
Students participated in a variety of activities during Snowcoming on Dec. 20. They played handball; passed a candy cane pool noodle, using only their feet; decorated cookies; worked on crafts; and played bells.
about 2 months ago, Lyndonville Schools
students in art room working on crafts at tables
three students ringing bells seated in chairs
students passing candy cane pool noodle with their feet in relay race
student icing cookie with adult standing nearby
student jumping in the air to throw ball at other student
two students in art room working on crafts
students playing handball in gym
students playing basketball in gym
students doing candy cane pass with feet in gym
Some staff members recently participated in a door decorating contest with the "Biology Bake Shop" (aka Kathleen Kennedy's door) winning! The design was done by students. A wall mural is also in progress around some other teachers' doors! Lots of creativity on display!
about 2 months ago, Lyndonville Schools
bake shop decorated door
decorated snowman door
Christmas tree and presents decorated door
music notes on door
music department decorated door with wreaths and pompom string
wall mural around door
work in progress wall mural around door